Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fresh woods and pastures new

I think you'll find that this is the correct quotation, and fresh fields don't even come into it.

Anyway, the entire Gnu clan has now settled into new and larger accommodation in the embarrassingly posh and Tory area of Bedford Park. Owing to the combined incomptence of the builders and BT, I have no internet service, so I am writing this from the hallowed enclaves of Chiswick Public Library (who use Internet Explorer, curse them).

When normal broadband service is resumed, there'll be more about my now ex-MP, Andrew Slaughter, who has contacted me with patronising reassurance about the Legislative Reform Bill. There'll also be more about my new MP, Ann 'Two Flats' Keen. And I might even get round to finishing that post about the Third Test.

Stay tuned, Gnu fans.


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